Thursday, September 12, 2013

Video: Two Police Officers Broke A Non Aggressive Woman's Nose in Violent Arrest

The video you are about to watch is a very disturbing one of how two police officers from Tallahassee Police department assaulted a non aggressive arrestee after she crashed her SUV into a house on August 10. 

In the video footage, 44-years-old Christina West was placed in a patrol car but later asked to get out of the car. A struggle occur when the woman asked after her husband and a car seat for her child. The two police officers slammed her head into the cruiser and later forced her to the ground with their full weight, causing her to scream in agony as her face was smashed to the pavement.

Although, one of the police officer, Chris Ormerod, lied about the incident. He said "West was placed on the ground where she began to thrash and kick wildly. West kicked me in the groin area and kicked officer Schmidt in the leg. She was placed in a thigh lock on the ground as i secure her hands. While handcuffing her hands, she continued to violently make attempt to grab for my groin area with her hands."'

The spokesperson for Tallahassee Police Department, David Northway, defended the arrest, quoting "We stand by our practices that we have in place and we also stand by the procedures that we have in place. And if there is something that has gone awry in this investigation then the proper procedures will be followed and actions will be taken against those officers."

Attorney Fred Conrad said he planned to sue the Tallahassee Police Department on behalf of his client. He said: "I don't care if she was drunker than Cooter Brown and took a breath test and blew through the moon, that's not warranted, that's not okay. i can say i intend to pursue just compensation for Ms. West and i can say i intend to do it relentlessly. I intend to make the police department pay for this. This is wrong and they need to pay for it."

West has already had two surgeries as a result of her injuries and the two officers involved in the incident have been placed on administrative leave while the investigation continues.

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